Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Banned Books Answers

Last week we posted a quiz to test your Banned Books knowledge.  Go ahead and take the quiz if you haven't yet.  When you're finished, come on back and scroll down for the answers!

Q: Why was "Captain Underpants" by Dav Pilkey challenged in 2000?
A: All of the above.  A parent at the Orfordville, WI Elementary School library claimed that the books, "taught students to be disrespectful; not to obey authority; not to obey the law, including God's law; improper spelling..."  The book has also been challenged by other individuals on the basis of "inappropriate potty humor."

Q: Which of the following books has NOT been challenged?
A: All of these books have been challenged.  "To Kill a Mockingbird" for racial content and profanity, "Catcher in the Rye" for sexual content and profanity among other things, "Charlotte's Web" for it's depiction of a woman in leadership, and "The Giving Tree" was considered sexist.

Q: What book prompted the headline, "Grandma Refuses to Return Library Book, Could Face Jail Time"?
A: "It's Perfectly Normal" by Robie Harris.

Q: What reasons have been given for challenging books?
A: All of the above.  Racial issues, Presence of Witchcraft, Negativity, and Age Inappropriate have all been cited as reasons for books being challenged.

Q: Why was "in the Night Kitchen" by Maurice Sendak challenged in 1985?
A: Nudity.  This book was challenged in Beloit, WI "because the book was believed to desensitize children to nudity."

Q: Which book is banned at Parkland?
A: None.  "50 Shades of Grey," "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian," and "The Kite Runner" are all available at the Parkland Library.

Q: "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie won what award in 2007?
A: National Book Award for Young People's Literature

Monday, September 21, 2015

Test your Banned Books Knowledge

Think you know a thing or two about banned books?  Take our quiz here and check back next week during Banned Books Week for the answers!

Banned Books Week is September 27th - October 3rd this year.  Stop by the Library to see what banned books are available here.  We believe in your literary freedom; we will never tell you what you can't read.

*Thank you to the anonymous source for the grammar tip.  It has been corrected.