Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The READ Poster is Coming: Thurs, April 18th

On Thursday, April 18th at NOON, this year's READ Poster featuring a Parkland "celebrity" will be unveiled along with next year's Parkland Reads book in the Library Reading Lounge!  We'll have special giveaways, snacks, bookish humor and other fun stuff, so come by and take part in the National Library Week festivities!

Check out last year's READ poster featuring Billie Mitchell.


  1. What are/were the "other fun stuff"?

  2. "The other fun stuff" is/was the celebratory atmosphere of National Library Week! Didn't you feel the excitement in the air? I noticed a fair number of people with smiles on their faces & a skip in their step. Fun Stuff!

  3. The cookies were reason enough to smile! Thanks for a lovely event, as usual. The poster rocks!

  4. And the free pens were fun stuff ;-)
